Handover of items are easily monitred with detailed reports
Your delivery drivers can clock in when they start working or log a site visit when they arrive at their packaging facility.
You can provide questionnaires that they can complete when repairing vehicles, loading, unloading, preparing, inspecting, and operating delivery vehicles.
Routes with time schedules can be pre-assigned to each driver, allowing delivery of a variety of items to different addresses and routes.
We maintain live delivery logs and records, updating the status of the delivery available to see at all times.
Our system also allows obtaining client or customer signatures when needed as proof of delivery.
Our navigation tool helps you arrive at the right address and deliver parcels to the correct address, making it easier to meet delivery deadlines.
Our reports provide proof of delivery to your clients, and a record of work completed is always available and can be made available to your client.
Delivery status can also be avaliable to your clients with notifications.
You can keep track of your vehicles, with condition reports, and other useful information using our vehicle log books.
Any problems detected, such as equipment that isn't functioning properly or incidents that occur, can be reported.
Additional stock and equipment are managed through the inventory and assets modules.
You can now monitor time management and efficiency, and your drivers will have access to all of their work schedules and activity reports.
Everything is recorded and both employee and employer feel at ease, organised and productive.
Management tools available on basic plan






Site visits


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