With progress reports and before and after information, we will help your business operate smoothly
This covers various types of installations, including computer systems, air conditioning, swimming pools, refrigeration, carpentry, cabinets, and security systems.
With our management tools like audits, you can inspect and test existing installations to ensure that they are in good working order and comply with health and safety regulations.
Installers can develop timelines for installation projects and ensure that the project progresses according to the schedule.
After clocking in and arriving at the site, employees can handle multiple tasks simultaneously as all their tasks and questionnaires are available for them to complete.
Time and duration spent on-site can be monitored and measured, as well as the time in-between sites.
All work completed can be recorded with photos and approval signatures.
You can monitor progress on a daily basis to ensure that the installation is advancing towards completion as per the agreed schedule.
All previous site visit details could be activated and available for employees to see for future reference.
Monitoring stock and equipment can help with cost control, ensuring that daily cost management goals are achieved.
Workers can provide daily check-ins regarding the work and equipment they'll be using before starting work.
They can also log safety issues, which allows you to be aware of them and create safety reports.
Any problems detected on-site, such as equipment that isn't functioning properly or incidents that occur, can be reported.
Our reports provide proof of delivery or service to your clients, and a record of work completed is always available and can be made available to your client.
Vehicle logbooks are also available to monitor any vehicles used for business purposes. Stock and equipment are managed through the inventory and assets modules
Everything is recorded and both employee and employer feel at ease, organised and productive.
Management tools available on basic plan






Site visits


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